Your Salestitan Guides

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This article covers the difference between each type of user in your account. Keep reading to learn more. 👇


To explain it simply, an admin is kind of like a “super user” who has the ability to oversee the entire account, managing everything from users and boards to security and billing. This allows for one team member (or more if you choose) to manage their team effectively and securely. Check out this article to learn more about what is an admin and how to add one. 

Team members

Team members are your teammates or employees in your department or organization whom you work with everyday! They can see all information on the Main boards and can be invited to collaborate easily on both Shareable and Private boards.

There are two types of team members: members and viewers. To learn more about the two types of team members, check out this article or read the following section for a brief summary.


A member is a type of team member that has editing access to boards on an account. Furthermore, a member can do the following (as well as the admin, of course):

  • Create and edit a board
  • Create and edit items
  • Create and edit folders
  • Invite other members inside a board and item
  • Viewing capabilities of all mainboards
  • Be invited to shareable or private boards
  • Edit his profile
  • Communicate and add attachments  

The amount of members you can invite to your account depends on the plan you have purchased. For example, if you are on the Standard plan for 10 users, this means you can invite up to 10 members. For more information about the pricing, check this out. 


Viewers are another type of user that you can invite to your account. Exactly like team members, they have access to the main board section, and to the Shareable or Private boards you decide to share with them. The difference is that they are only able to view boards with no editing rights whatsoever. 

A viewer can:

  • View all the boards (as well as private board which user have subscribed to)
  • Open an item and read the updates
  • Search or filter within a board
  • Be invited to the shareable or private boards
  • Edit their profile section
  • Invite new viewers (unless the admin blocks this setting). 
  • Open the board views 
  • Be assigned to an item
  • Be added to a team 
  • View and customize the information in My Work
  • Export boards to Excel

A viewer cannot:

  • Create/delete a new board
  • Make any changes to any content on a board
  • Make any changes to the structure of a board
  • Edit information in My Work
  • Change any setting of the board
  • Add updates to an item or like an update posted by someone else
  • Subscribe themselves and others to an item/board
  • Be assigned as the owner of a board
  • Invite a guest to a shareable board
  • Create a team

How many viewers can I invite to my account?

You can invite an unlimited amount of viewers regardless the plan you have purchased. Viewers will not count towards your billing. Viewers can themselves invite other viewers to see the account unless the admin of the account restricts this setting.  


Guests are external to your organization, such as a vendor, clients, freelancers, or outside consultants.

Guests must have an email domain that is different from the email domains associated with your organization (including affiliates and subsidiaries) and can only be invited to Shareable Boards. They will NOT be able to view information on Main or Private Boards. This amazing feature helps you to collaborate safely with people who are external to your organization while maintaining the security of the information stored on Main and Private Boards.

This is what a guest profile looks like:

Custom roles

 Note: The custom roles feature described below is only available on the Enterprise plan.

With custom roles, Enterprise admins can create unique, account-level roles according to a team member’s job title, department, or any other suitable definition and then assign specific permissions for that role. This feature was built with the goal of simplifying the effective governance of an account while giving the proper amount of freedom to employees within their domain.

Once a custom role has been created, it can then be assigned to any team member on your account through the user management section!


Subscribers are admins, team members, and guests that are “following” or subscribed to a board. Each time someone posts an update on a board, it will appear in the inbox of every subscriber of that board. To learn more about it, check out this article.

Board owners

A board owner is either:

  • The person who created the board
  • Any subscribers of the board that the board creator has chosen to be co-owners of the board. 

Board ownership is an important feature when setting restrictions on boards, like making them read-only for non-owners using board permissions. 

 Note: Board owners can only be admins or members. Guests and viewers cannot be granted ownership of a board. 
For further questions, please visit our Knowledge Center.  To view the Knowledge Center, click the Home Page icon the top right of your page, then select “Support” and make you way to “Help Center” in the bottom left.  If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our team by selecting the blue “Contact Us” button.