Your Salestitan Guides

The Numbers Column

  • 3 min read

  • Feature

The numbers column can assist you in various tasks, including monitoring basic expenses, determining the amount of time allocated to a project, or performing straightforward calculations.


Numbers Column to your board is easy; please locate and click on the small icon  Screen_Shot_2017-11-27_at_11.57.25.png on your board’s right side, and select “Numbers” from the dropdown menu.

 Enter numbers into some of your rows within your numbers column and there you have it!


If you wish to modify the column to suit your needs, select the box at the bottom of the group or click on the column settings.  Column settings will prompt a dialogue box to appear, enabling you to adjust the Unit (e.g., none, dollars, pounds, euros, or percentage), the Function (e.g., None, sum, average, median, min, max, count) assigned to the column, and whether it should be displayed from left to right or right to left.

  Note: Per-group calculations are performed. Each group’s bottom box in the Number column will display the results. The total is computed for the group designated as “Week 1” in the example below, and a different total is computed for the group designated as “Week 2.” 

To view the calculation applied to all values in every group, click on the box where you would typically modify the Unit and Function. This will display the comprehensive calculation for the board at the bottom of the page.


The calculation in the Numbers column at the bottom of each group will change when you filter the board using a term, such as a person, status, or another category.  

For instance, we are interested in the conference budget as a whole.

  • Filtering (Before)
  • Filter (After)

Visit this page to learn how to use the numbers column to manage your AtmosAI budget! Check out the Formula column if you’re seeking more difficult calculations like multiplication, division, etc.

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