Your Salestitan Guides

At, we are strongly inclined toward generating graphical depictions of information using techniques such as colors, graphs, and shapes. Our endeavor to improve this experience has led us to devise board views offering various visualization options for your board data. This feature facilitates the analysis and reporting of your data in various ways.

How to add a view 

To include a board view, simply select the “+” symbol situated below the title of your board.

If you click “more views,” you will be taken to our Views Center, where you can discover all our valuable viewing choices.

Two Types of Views

You can access your board’s data using either a Dashboard View or a Board View. While Board Views present your data in a single format, Dashboards offer the flexibility to display various widgets that show your data in multiple ways.

  • Board View

Using Board Views, you can exhibit your data in a sole layout. The Board Views mentioned below can be directly added as a board view, providing you with a full-screen interface.

  • List of full-screen board views
  1. The Cards view
  2. The Files view
  3. The Form view
  4. The Kanban view
  5. The Table view

Any remaining widgets are included as individual widgets on an empty dashboard. You can choose to include more widgets if you prefer, or you can expand a widget to full-screen size by following these instructions:

Although it is possible to adjust the size of a widget by dragging and dropping its corner to your preferred size, docking the widget will optimize the space on your screen. This will allow you to view your widget without distractions or additional toolbars.

To dock your widget, simply click the 3-dot menu at the top right corner of your widget and click “Dock this widget”.

To remove the docked status of a widget, you can follow the same steps in reverse by clicking on the 3-dot menu located in the board views toolbar and choosing “Undock this widget”.

  • Dashboard View

If you want to include a Dashboard View, click on the + symbol and choose “dashboards” from the options provided, as shown below:

After you add a Dashboard View, you can incorporate as many widgets as you need from the Widgets Center to build an authentic dashboard within your primary board. With Dashboard Views, you can produce reports that utilize widgets linked to a single board. 

We suggest referring to our Dashboards article if you want to view data from numerous boards in a single location.
Chart View

Using our Chart View, you can generate various reports for a specific board using different chart types. This is an excellent method to gain insights and analytics about your workflow. For additional details, please refer to this article.

The Gantt View

Using the Gantt view, transform the data from your board into a functional chart in the Gantt style. This view is adaptable, and reactive, and provides a graphical representation of milestones and interdependent items, which can provide a clear summary of your project and its associated tasks. To discover more about this remarkable feature, please refer to this article.

The Calendar View

The Calendar View enables you to present all your tasks, including a date or timeline column, in a calendar format. You can personalize your calendar view by selecting either day, week, or month views. Please refer to this article for additional information about this feature.

The Workload View

By adding the Workload View to your board, you can obtain a concise summary of how your team’s work is distributed. With just one glance, you can determine which team members are overburdened and assign forthcoming tasks appropriately. To acquire more information, take a look at this article.

The Timeline View

The Timeline View provides a graphical display of the dates and timelines of your active projects. It lets you quickly determine how much time you and your team have to complete a task or project, allowing you to plan and organize accordingly. To find additional information about this feature, please refer to this article.

The Table View

The Table View allows you to observe a filtered version of the main table of your board. For instance, you can filter by individual, status, column, or group. This feature can help conceal irrelevant information that is unnecessary for your immediate needs. In this example, we have the Table View filter set to “person,” allowing us to view the activities of a single person from the board.

The Kanban View

Kanban is a project management strategy that focuses on organizing work by prioritizing tasks and ensuring a balance of demands based on available capacity. Select the desired columns in your settings to create a Kanban view of your board. Please refer to this article for additional guidance on utilizing the Kanban View to manage your workload. Additionally, check out this article to gain insight into constructing your boards with Kanban principles in mind.

The Form View

You can transform your boards into forms and share them with your contacts with just a single click. This allows for new items to be added as information rolls in. For additional information on this feature, please refer to this article.

The Cards View

Using the Cards View, you can see all of the essential details about your items in a visual and gallery-like format. To learn more about this feature, please read this article.

The Files View

Effortlessly handle all your documents, images, contracts, and other files from one location. You can add them to the Files Column or the Updates Section. Additionally, we created the Files View to present all your board files in a condensed, gallery-like manner. To discover more about this feature, click on this article.

Switching between views

After adding a view to your board, you can switch back to the main board view by clicking on the “Main Table” tab at the upper left corner of your screen, as shown in the image.

Adding multiple views to your board lets you easily access them from the top of your board whenever needed.

Choose favorites

If you frequently use some of the multiple views added to your board, you can mark them as “favorites” for quick access. To do this, hover over the name of the board view and click on the three-dot menu that appears. From there, select “Add to my favorites,” The idea will appear next to the main table view.

You can remove a view from your favorites list by following the same process as adding a favorite view. Hover over the board view name and click on the three-dot menu. Then, select “Remove from my favorites,” and the idea will no longer appear as a favorite.

Set a default view

To set a default view for a board, board owners can choose a view from the list of views and set it as the default view for all board viewers and subscribers. To do this, simply click on the three-dot menu next to the name of the view that you wish to select, and then select the “Set as board default” option.

You can change the default view of your board at any time by following the same steps used to set a default view but selecting a different view instead, such as the Main Table view.

Split screen mode

To display a view in split-screen mode with the Main Table view below it, select “Settings” from the three-dot menu in the top right of your view. Then, click “Display type” and choose “Split Mode.” When you switch to full-screen mode, you can view this view in split-screen mode with the Main Table view below it.

Sharing views publicly

You can make your boards available to the public on the web by publishing them and embedding them on your website. You can learn how to do this by following the instructions provided in this resource.

The option to apply the share view feature is limited to only the Main board, Timeline, Chart, Calendar, Workload, and Gantt views.

Export your dashboard views

To effortlessly share the present status of your dashboard views with your colleagues, you can export your widgets to an Excel or PDF file. You can achieve this by clicking the three-dot menu at the top right of your board view and choosing “More actions” and “Export to PDF,” as illustrated below.

Note: Currently, this function can only be utilized in dashboard views and does not apply to stand-alone board views.

For further questions, please visit our Knowledge Center.  To view the Knowledge Center, click the Home Page icon the top right of your page, then select “Support” and make you way to “Help Center” in the bottom left.  If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our team by selecting the blue “Contact Us” button.

At, we are strongly inclined toward generating graphical depictions of information using techniques such as colors, graphs, and shapes. Our endeavor to improve this experience has led us to devise board views offering various visualization options for your board data. This feature facilitates the analysis and reporting of your data in various ways.

How to add a view 

To include a board view, simply select the “+” symbol situated below the title of your board.

If you click “more views,” you will be taken to our Views Center, where you can discover all our valuable viewing choices.

Two Types of Views

You can access your board’s data using either a Dashboard View or a Board View. While Board Views present your data in a single format, Dashboards offer the flexibility to display various widgets that show your data in multiple ways.

  • Board View

Using Board Views, you can exhibit your data in a sole layout. The Board Views mentioned below can be directly added as a board view, providing you with a full-screen interface.

  • List of full-screen board views
  1. The Cards view
  2. The Files view
  3. The Form view
  4. The Kanban view
  5. The Table view

Any remaining widgets are included as individual widgets on an empty dashboard. You can choose to include more widgets if you prefer, or you can expand a widget to full-screen size by following these instructions:

Although it is possible to adjust the size of a widget by dragging and dropping its corner to your preferred size, docking the widget will optimize the space on your screen. This will allow you to view your widget without distractions or additional toolbars.

To dock your widget, simply click the 3-dot menu at the top right corner of your widget and click “Dock this widget”.

To remove the docked status of a widget, you can follow the same steps in reverse by clicking on the 3-dot menu located in the board views toolbar and choosing “Undock this widget”.

  • Dashboard View

If you want to include a Dashboard View, click on the + symbol and choose “dashboards” from the options provided, as shown below:

After you add a Dashboard View, you can incorporate as many widgets as you need from the Widgets Center to build an authentic dashboard within your primary board. With Dashboard Views, you can produce reports that utilize widgets linked to a single board. 

We suggest referring to our Dashboards article if you want to view data from numerous boards in a single location.
Chart View

Using our Chart View, you can generate various reports for a specific board using different chart types. This is an excellent method to gain insights and analytics about your workflow. For additional details, please refer to this article.

The Gantt View

Using the Gantt view, transform the data from your board into a functional chart in the Gantt style. This view is adaptable, and reactive, and provides a graphical representation of milestones and interdependent items, which can provide a clear summary of your project and its associated tasks. To discover more about this remarkable feature, please refer to this article.

The Calendar View

The Calendar View enables you to present all your tasks, including a date or timeline column, in a calendar format. You can personalize your calendar view by selecting either day, week, or month views. Please refer to this article for additional information about this feature.

The Workload View

By adding the Workload View to your board, you can obtain a concise summary of how your team’s work is distributed. With just one glance, you can determine which team members are overburdened and assign forthcoming tasks appropriately. To acquire more information, take a look at this article.

The Timeline View

The Timeline View provides a graphical display of the dates and timelines of your active projects. It lets you quickly determine how much time you and your team have to complete a task or project, allowing you to plan and organize accordingly. To find additional information about this feature, please refer to this article.

The Table View

The Table View allows you to observe a filtered version of the main table of your board. For instance, you can filter by individual, status, column, or group. This feature can help conceal irrelevant information that is unnecessary for your immediate needs. In this example, we have the Table View filter set to “person,” allowing us to view the activities of a single person from the board.

The Kanban View

Kanban is a project management strategy that focuses on organizing work by prioritizing tasks and ensuring a balance of demands based on available capacity. Select the desired columns in your settings to create a Kanban view of your board. Please refer to this article for additional guidance on utilizing the Kanban View to manage your workload. Additionally, check out this article to gain insight into constructing your boards with Kanban principles in mind.

The Form View

You can transform your boards into forms and share them with your contacts with just a single click. This allows for new items to be added as information rolls in. For additional information on this feature, please refer to this article.

The Cards View

Using the Cards View, you can see all of the essential details about your items in a visual and gallery-like format. To learn more about this feature, please read this article.

The Files View

Effortlessly handle all your documents, images, contracts, and other files from one location. You can add them to the Files Column or the Updates Section. Additionally, we created the Files View to present all your board files in a condensed, gallery-like manner. To discover more about this feature, click on this article.

Switching between views

After adding a view to your board, you can switch back to the main board view by clicking on the “Main Table” tab at the upper left corner of your screen, as shown in the image.

Adding multiple views to your board lets you easily access them from the top of your board whenever needed.

Choose favorites

If you frequently use some of the multiple views added to your board, you can mark them as “favorites” for quick access. To do this, hover over the name of the board view and click on the three-dot menu that appears. From there, select “Add to my favorites,” The idea will appear next to the main table view.

You can remove a view from your favorites list by following the same process as adding a favorite view. Hover over the board view name and click on the three-dot menu. Then, select “Remove from my favorites,” and the idea will no longer appear as a favorite.

Set a default view

To set a default view for a board, board owners can choose a view from the list of views and set it as the default view for all board viewers and subscribers. To do this, simply click on the three-dot menu next to the name of the view that you wish to select, and then select the “Set as board default” option.

You can change the default view of your board at any time by following the same steps used to set a default view but selecting a different view instead, such as the Main Table view.

Split screen mode

To display a view in split-screen mode with the Main Table view below it, select “Settings” from the three-dot menu in the top right of your view. Then, click “Display type” and choose “Split Mode.” When you switch to full-screen mode, you can view this view in split-screen mode with the Main Table view below it.

Sharing views publicly

You can make your boards available to the public on the web by publishing them and embedding them on your website. You can learn how to do this by following the instructions provided in this resource.

The option to apply the share view feature is limited to only the Main board, Timeline, Chart, Calendar, Workload, and Gantt views.

Export your dashboard views

To effortlessly share the present status of your dashboard views with your colleagues, you can export your widgets to an Excel or PDF file. You can achieve this by clicking the three-dot menu at the top right of your board view and choosing “More actions” and “Export to PDF,” as illustrated below.

Note: Currently, this function can only be utilized in dashboard views and does not apply to stand-alone board views.

For further questions, please visit our Knowledge Center.  To view the Knowledge Center, click the Home Page icon the top right of your page, then select “Support” and make you way to “Help Center” in the bottom left.  If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our team by selecting the blue “Contact Us” button.